USA Dedicated Server Features
We use only premium bandwidth and do not oversell our network in order to maintain the most stable and reliable service.
Our China, Hong Kong and USA Network have been strategically designed for optimum performance and connectivity between each other.
Our USA Dedicated Servers are based on high-quality, name brand, premium hardware including Supermicro, HP and Dell.
USA “Green” Dedicated Server Options
Green 1
Intel J1900/Quad Core
160GB Space
100M Port Speed
2TB Bandwidth........
Hong Kong Dedicated Server Features
Techrich Corporation's Hong Kong Network is Unique. We are optimized with direct, fast connectivity to Mainland China.
Many networks and providers in Hong Kong are not optimized. Other providers often send traffic through the US resulting in high-latency and slow loading times. Our China, Hong Kong and USA Network have been strategically designed for optimum performance and connectivity between each other.
Our Premium Hong Kong Dedicated Servers are based on high-quality, name brand, premium hardware including Supermicro, HP and Dell.
Hong Kong “Green” Dedicated Server Options
Green 1